Everyday Super Heroes

You’ve followed the paper trail! Can you uncover a superhero  to find the rest of Dr. TP Rolls’ stash?

Let’s travel back in time.  Way before all this, to 1999. A teen named Max, enters a video store after doing yard work on a neighbor’s lawn. His handiwork has gained support from the community and a reputation as the young man with a shovel! Ready to relax, He notices these films playing on the TVs in the shop. In the first 45 seconds, he knows which movie to rent.

Sci Fi half shelf

Godzilla Highlander Independence Day Jurassic Park The Last Starfighter Men in Black Planet of the Apes Soylent Green

Which movie does Max choose?
Godzilla’s Revenge, Highlander, Independence Day, Jurassic Park, The Last Starfighter, Men In Black, Planet of the Apes, or Soylent Green?

First Letter Capitalized of Important Words. No Special Characters.

Click on the different front facing movies. Only worry about the first 45 seconds of each clip.
The writing’s in the sand
Humans are caged in this scene.